Content and Grading


Fifth grade will continue to build on the skills they have been acquiring through elementary school in Language Arts, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Spelling/Vocabulary. We will be following and mastering the state standards for fifth grade through our curriculum. 


Participation: Participating in the classroom during the instruction time and doing practice sets in the classroom will be graded as participation grade.

Homework: Homework will be given to the students most nights where they can show and practice their skills they are acquiring during our lessons. Homework pages will be graded every day. I recommend for your child to follow directions closely in order to get the most out of their homework.

Assessments: On Fridays I will give assessments for spelling and math. Other subjects will have assessments at different points of the units to check for understanding and knowledge. At the end of each unit will be a final assessment to test for mastery. 

Homework 20%
Assessments 45%
Participation       15%
Class work 20%
Total 100%


Assorted Activities: Throughout the year there will be a variety of small activities for which they will receive a grade. These activities may develop from class discussions, content, or other areas the opportunity arises. Points for each activity will be established based on depth of activity. A grading rubric will be developed for the students’ reports and projects.

Time Management: Time management is an important skill and should be taught at this age. Projects and homework are assigned well in advance of the due date. Please do not wait until the day before an assignment is due to begin working on it. Big projects will be assigned weeks in advance, and students will be given time to complete a portion of these projects during class time.

Students must always place their name and date on all papers handed in. If a student fails to turn in a homework assignment on time, he or she will be given an opportunity to complete the assignment during recess, as long as it does not become a habit. Students will lose 5% off their grade for each assignment turned in without a name and for each day it is late. Any assignments, including homework, that is not turned in within one week after the due date will receive a zero.

In the case of an absence due to illness, the due date will be adjusted based on the number of days absent. For example: If a student is absent for one day, he or she will have only one extra day to complete the assignment.